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Human cruelty knows no bounds and is often directed to innocent creatures that have not a single chance to protect themselves. Hunting is one of the most striking examples of human atrocities.
Unlike animals that hunt due to their survival instinct only when being extremely hungry, humans kill innocent creatures for entertainment only, feeling pleased by killing, as well as to demonstrate their superiority. Such people have no idea of what a cruel thing they do. After the murder, the hunters celebrate, have fun, taking selfies with the dead animals’ remains in order just to show everyone how “strong” they are.
And the worst thing is that some people teach children to kill, being sure that this is a norm. It happened that a hunter gave a knife to a child and forced him to finish off a wounded animal. Such “lessons” of cruelty have extremely negative effects on a child’s psyche.
And for what?
 Not because of feeling hungry, but for pleasure or for profit from selling a killed animal’s fur. But is it ethical to make money from the death of innocent creatures?
The worst thing is that among hunters’ victims there are females and younglings, since they are the most vulnerable. Wounded animals suffer greatly and are in unbearable pain. But hunters keep mocking them even after they are dead.
Why can’t sensible people stop this horror?
Given that nowadays there are numerous varieties of food and lots of synthetic high-tech materials that are a decent alternative to animal fur, a logical question arises: does such a barbaric custom as hunting make sense?
Luckily, many people have conscience; they unite to establish organizations and fight for the animals’ rights. World famous celebrities make their contribution as well, setting an example to others.
Brigitte Bardot – a symbol of beauty and femininity, is a strict advocate of animals and a vegetarian. Now, the former actress completely devotes her life to saving animals and condemning all forms of cruelty towards them.
Recently, she opposed French Minister of Ecology Nicolas Hulot, condemning him for not prohibiting use of traps that kill hundreds of swallows and larks, and that he authorized murdering of 40 wolves.
The Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle hates the "bloody sports" and refuses to wear clothes made of dead animals’ fur, proudly preferring environmental friendly alternative materials. Her husband Prince Harry supports her initiatives. For example, he refused to take part in the traditional Boxing Day hunting, which is held every year on December 26.
The former member of Beatles band Paul McCartney and his wife Heather Hills have publicly condemned the Chinese custom of killing dogs and cats to make fur products.
The singer released a video filmed by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) about the Guangzhou region. The film shows many cruel scenes of violence against animals; in one of the fragments, poor dogs and cats are thrown from the bus top floor and then mercifully killed. This movie was filmed to arouse a sense of compassion in people and to encourage them to fight for the animals rights.
“Many years ago I was fishing, and as I was reeling in the poor fish, I realised, 'I am killing him - all for the passing pleasure it brings me'. Something inside me clicked. I realised as I watched him fight for breath that his life was as important to him as mine is to me.” - Talks Paul McCartney.
Pamela Anderson is also a PETA activist. The actress famous for “Baywatch” series conducted several propaganda campaigns, opposing use of genuine fur. She sent a letter to Prada fashion house owner Miuccia Prada requesting to stop using fur completely in her collections.
Pamela Anderson also kindly sent a fur coat made of eco-fur to a secular lioness and genuine fur coats collector Kim Kardashian, attaching a postcard to her pleading to refuse wearing clothes for which innocent animals are killed.
And why should we be worse than the celebrities?! Let’s make this world a better and kinder place together!


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